OldExodeBull's Wheel'up

100%  Leavitt  Bulldog

Wheel upNée le 02.05.16   -   Born 05/02/16

Fille de / Daughter of

Only Bully's Ioda  &  Only Bully's Bitchou Come Again

Wheel up 3 months 3

Taille / Size : 41cm

Poids / Weight : 20kg


Wheel'Up est approuvée pour la reproduction par la LBA.

Wheel'Up has been approuved for breeding by the LBA.

Wheel up 20 monthsHanches / HD OFA : Mild Coudes / ED : 0/0  Spondylose : Normale

Identification génétique par Antagene

Testé : CMR1, DM, HUU, MDR1, Positif



La fonctionnalité physique,

tel un Bulldogge anciens.


Physical fonctionnality,

such as an old Bulldogge.

Wheel up18 mois / months old

09/09/17 : OLDE BULLDOGGE SHOW 2017 Germany/Allemagne.

2st place "excellent" 1-2 years old female class, 9 dogs in the ring, judge :Steve De Groot (NL)

1st place "excellent" 1-2 years old female class, 9 dogs in the ring, judge :David Leavitt (USA)

Best Female of the Breed, judge : David Leavitt (USA)

Best of Breed, judge : David Leavitt (USA)

Best in Show, judge : David Leavitt (USA)

03/03/18 : Danish Bulldog Club Show 2018 Danemark

1st place "excellent" 1-2 years old female class, ring O.E.B, judge : Ryan L. Nielsen

1st place "excellent" 1-2 years old female class, ring L.B, judge : Mathias Deutsch

Best Female of the Breed, judge : Mathias Deutsch